أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - الصلوة والسلام علیک یا سیدی رسول اللہ صلى الله عليه وسلم

What is the Problem with Maududi and his Books?

لبیک یارسول اللہﷺ
Problem with Maulana Maududi

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One of the fundamental and widely known principles among learned & righteous Islamic scholars is that in the course of explanation of Quran and Hadith no interpretation should ever be made wherein the status and honour of any Prophet is slurred.

The perfect example of Prophet Muhammad is before our eyes. Anyone studying the entire treasure of Hadith will never find a single word which denotes even the slightest disrespect to any Prophet.

Why Maulana Maududi is a Misguided Person?

The sharp pen of Moulana Maududi has even not spared the sanctity and respect of the Prophets of Allah and he recklessly foul mouths about many Prophets and tries to create such a picture of them that common people may lose all respect for them. Consider his following statements:

Maududi Mocks Prophet Moosa (Moses)

Maududi has no respect whatsoever for Prophets of Islam. Consider his words about Prophet Moosa:

“The example of Moosa is like an impatient conqueror, who marches ahead without making arrangements for those whom he left behind, and behind him rebelliousness spreads like a wild, uncontrolled fire.” 1

Maududi Blasphemes about Prophet Dawood (David)

Maududi again foul-mouths about Prophet Dawood :

“Hadhrat Dawood was influenced by the general Israeeli society’s custom during his era and asked Urya to issue a Talaaq.” 2

There was base and carnal desire in the act of Hadhrat Dawood (alaihi salaam) and there was inappropriate usage and abuse in his authority. It was an act which did not suit any consenting person in the government.” 3

Maududi Insults Prophet Nooh (Noah)

Maududi shows his ignorance of Islam while writing on Hadhrat Nooh:

Sometimes a delicate and natural occasion arises for a Nabi (Prophet), even such lofty and honoured humans are prone to give in to their human weaknesses.

But when Allah gave him a warning that the son who left the Haqq (Truth) and took to Baatil (Falsehood), understand him to be yours purely for this reason that he was born from your back. It was the result of ignorance. He then immediately disregarded this wound in his heart.” 4

Maududi shows Contempt for Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)

Another example of Maududi’s corruption in Islamic teachings is regarding his statements about Hadhrat Yusuf:

“Appoint me as treasurer of the land”, Maududi states: “This was not merely a request for the post of the treasury, as some people assume, in fact, it was a desire for dictatorship.

As a result of this, the position which Yusuf (alaihi salaam) achieved was very much similar to the position Mussolini had held in Italy.” 5

Maududi Slams Prophet Yunus (Jonah)

Maududi fires again at Prophet Yunus:

“Hadhrat Yunus was neglectful in the duty of prophethood. Presumably he left his place before time after losing his patience.” 6

Maududi Defames Prophet Adam

There is no limit to Maududi’s ignorance and disrespect of Islamic personalities:

“Here you should understand the reality of the human weakness that was apparent of AdamA spontaneous emotion caused by satanic encouragement made him negligent. As soon as his self-control languished he fell from the lofty pedestal of obedience into the pit of sin.” 7

Maududi Even Corrupted the Concept of Prophethood

Maulana Maududi goes on further to even distort the concept of Prophethood and tries to demolish the foundations of sinless character of Prophets. Consider his statements:

  1.  “Actually Ismat (chastity) is not a requisite with the soul of the Ambiyaa (Prophets). This is a Lateef (delicate) point. Allah had intentionally lifted His protection at some time or the other from every Nabi (Prophet), so that one or two transgressions are committed, hence the people may not regard the Ambiyaa as Gods, and will know that these are human too.” 8

(In other words, what Maududi is insinuating here means that Allah does wants His Prophets to commit sin on way or the other.)

  1.  “The Ambiyaa trangress too, they are even punished.” 9

(Again, what actually Maududi is saying that; first Allah wants His Prophets to commit sins and then Allah punishes Prophets for sinningMaududi is full of contradictions !)


  1. Risaalah Tarjumaan Quran, vol.29, no. 4, page 5*
  2. Tafheemaat, Part 2, page 42, second edition
  3. Tafheemul Quran, part 4, Surah Swaad, page 327
  4. Ibid
  5. Tafheemaat, part 2, page 122
  6. Tafheemul Quran, Part.2 Surah Yunus, footnote 312, 313
  7. Tafheemul Quran, page 133, vol. 3
  8. Surah Swaad  page 30.
  9. Ibid page 31.

The page numbers may vary due to different editions.

Reference : Islamigems


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پارہ ۲۸،سورۃ الطلاق، آیت ۶

پارہ ۲۸،سورۃ التحریم، آیت۵،۴

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