أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - الصلوة والسلام علیک یا سیدی رسول اللہ صلى الله عليه وسلم

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan Manifesto




  1. General public will be served following the method taught by the Holy Prophet of Muhammad  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم . The practical implementation of the constitution and laws of Pakistan will be ensured. Contradictions between words and actions will be avoided, embracing truth to establish the Islamic system. According to the constitution of Pakistan, federal and provincial assemblies will be transformed into effective legislative bodies. Legislation will prioritize the elevation of Islamic principles, progress in Pakistan, and the well-being of the people. Under the spirit of Islam, the rights of minorities will be safeguarded in every way. Additionally, the powers and resources of the government will gradually be transferred from the center to the Union Councils to eliminate the sense of deprivation in marginalized regions and provinces.
  2. All measures will be taken to protect the sanctity of the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), the belief in the finality of Prophethood, and the sanctity of the companions and the family of the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). Efforts will be made to eliminate sectarianism, and necessary content regarding this will be included in educational curricula to shield present and future generations from new challenges, particularly atheism, religious extremism, and Qadianism.
  3. Islamic countries will be urged to form a "World Islamic Bloc" to immediately support oppressed Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, and around the world. This is to protect the lives and property of oppressed Muslims in economically and militarily weaker Islamic countries. Furthermore, an independent foreign policy will be established to enhance Pakistan's dignity globally, and friendly relations will be strengthened on an equal basis with all nations. Relations with India will be based on non-interference, and efforts will be made to resolve the Kashmir issue under the United Nations resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Israel will not be recognized as a state. The protection of the Holy Land of Hijaz and the first Qibla will be ensured under all circumstances.
  4. The Pakistan Army will not be neglected to keep pace with modern technology in its arsenal. Vigilance and efforts for the protection of nuclear assets and enhancement of all types of defensive capabilities will not be compromised under any pressure.
  5. The justice system will be reformed by keeping the Farooqi era in view as an ideal model. A local jury system will be introduced to reduce the burden on the courts. Free legal representation will be provided to poor people, and all necessary steps will be taken for swift justice for all Pakistanis. Delays in justice will be treated as a serious offense.
  6. Peace and Security will be ensured through Islamic laws and penalties, and empowering law enforcement agencies under the constitution. All institutions will be purged of political influence, and reforms will be made in the laws of the colonial era, to improve the ethical and social reflection of law enforcement agencies. Strict vigilance will be maintained against internal and external conspiracies against Islam and Pakistan, and foreign interference in religious affairs, politics, health, education, social affairs, and all other sectors will be eliminated.
  7. The interest-based economic system will be abolished, and an Islamic economic system will gradually be introduced. Stringent measures will be imposed on banks, institutions, and individuals involved in interest transactions. Strict oversight will be exercised over this matter, and interest-free loans will be provided to individuals interested in business.
  8. The gradual elimination of both internal and external debts will be pursued by utilizing all available means. Immediate steps will be taken to reduce expenditures and curb smuggling. Financial audits of institutions running at a loss will be conducted, and efforts will be made to recover losses from the corrupt people. In case of unsuccessful recovery, the institution will gradually be privatised. Foreign investment will be given special importance in this process.
  9. Laws for a simple lifestyle will be enacted for rulers and leading office-bearers in every field. Protocols will be abolished, huge income disparities will be eliminated in salaries, unnecessary perks will be immediately terminated, and officers in power will be made to serve people according to the Constitution. Bribery, favoritism, political interference, and nepotism will be categorized as serious crimes. An independent institution will be established for the investigation and financial accountability of influential individuals, making stringent decisions swiftly.
  10. Providing necessities such as affordable electricity, gas, and clean water to every individual will be the foremost responsibility of the Islamic government. Effective measures will be taken to provide housing for homeless individuals. An announcement for a practical and extensive project in this regard will be made.
  11. High-quality Islamic schools, colleges, and universities will be established. A fair portion of the budget will be allocated for the promotion of education. A modern and uniform curriculum and education system will be implemented in all public and private educational institutions according to the present needs. Access to education will be the right of every child. Separate colleges and universities will be established for women. Children of deserving individuals will receive free education, and the fees for non-governmental educational institutions will be regulated according to approved government guidelines and conditions.
  12. Educational qualifications and professional skills will be the criteria for government employment, while nepotism, bribery, and political interference will be penalized.
  13. Special attention will be given to the agricultural sector, with free irrigation water, and essential resources such as electricity, fertilizers, high-quality seeds, agricultural medicines, and tools will be provided at extremely affordable rates. Farmers will be informed about government rates on a daily basis, and no middleman will be allowed to exploit their hard work.
  14. Industries will be provided with inexpensive gas and electricity by eliminating excessive taxes. Trade-friendly government policies will be implemented. Efforts will be made to increase revenues in every sector. Special attention will be paid towards the IT sector and individuals interested in IT will receive free education. Easy and practical policies will be formulated to boost incomes in the IT sector. The nation will be provided with training in all types of industries and commerce through modern technology. Highly educated and skilled youth will be assisted in dignified personal employment rather than government jobs.
  15. Special attention will be given to storing water resources, and the construction of small and large dams across the country will be immediately initiated. Fair distribution of water will be ensured, and experts will be engaged to increase revenue through fisheries and cattle farming.
  16. All mineral resources of Pakistan will be under federal control. An annual tender system will be introduced, where bids will be invited on an equal basis from within and outside the country.
  17. Immediate reforms will be implemented in the tax system, putting an end to bribery, blackmail, and harassment by tax authorities. The burden of taxes on the public will be minimized, and the system of Zakat and Ushr will be immediately enforced. The management of endowments will be in accordance with Sharia principles, directing the income from mosques and shrines solely for the religious purposes and benefits of Muslims. A complete account of annual and monthly income and expenses will be presented to the public. Private institutions serving the people will be funded according to national and public interests, and under no circumstances will the means of private institutions be used to crush national and public interests.
  18. A special institution will be established to protect women's rights, ensuring their legal and Sharia rights in inheritance and other matters. Strict action will be taken against those who commit violence and oppression against women.
  19. Streets, roads, highways, public and private buildings, places of public movement, gardens, and recreational areas will be given special attention in terms of cleanliness. In this regard, the municipal system at the local level will be empowered.
  20. A comprehensive plan for the construction of cities, urban areas, and roads, as well as bridges, will be developed at the government level. Strict enforcement of construction laws will be ensured, and in this process, fair distribution will be the top priority. Barriers present in the system will be eliminated, and the width of roads and streets will be strictly regulated to save time in commuting.
  21. A reasonable portion of the budget will be allocated for health. Complete treatment will be provided free of cost to deserving and underprivileged patients. The number of government hospitals will be increased, and private hospitals will be bound to charge fees according to government-approved standards. Health preservation principles will be rigorously implemented, and severe penalties will be imposed for adulteration in food items and medicines. Precautionary measures will be taken to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  22. All measures will be taken to eliminate environmental pollution. Government support will be provided for afforestation, and stringent laws will be applied to industries and institutions causing pollution.
  23. A ministry with discretionary powers will be established to encourage goodness and prevent evil among the people. Committee centers will be established for places associated with shrines, mausoleums, and mosques, where shelter and provisions for food and drink will be provided for the needy, widows, orphans, and disabled individuals. They will receive a high moral education, and special attention will be given to the ethical, psychological, and social training of inmates in prisons. Various experts will be engaged to transform them into skilled individuals.
  24. Means of communication will be used to present solutions to religious, national, and global issues, and people will be bound to intellectual, moral, and practical education to protect them from obscenity and indecency. Media and social media will be regulated by an ethical code. Programs will be organized to enlighten the public about Islamic history and to make them aware of changes and complexities occurring globally and in international relations.
  25. Special efforts will be made for the promotion of tourism across the country. The protection of local and foreign tourists, affordable accommodation, standard food, and other necessities will be taken into consideration.

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